Read To Know What Paint Correction Exactly Is

Both car cleaning enthusiasts, as well as professional car detailers all over the world, use the term called “Paint Correction” to describe the various process to restore and rejuvenate the entire paintwork of your vehicle, by eliminating the various surface imperfections, that can dull, haze, or oxidize the surface.

All these imperfections may include the following:

  • Swirl marks
  • Hologramming
  • Fine scratches
  • Buffer trails
  • Acid rain etching
  • Bird dropping etching
  • Random isolated deep scratch

If you are interested to perform paint correction for your car then you may contact Industry Detail, who is well experienced in all these jobs.

This new term “Paint Correction” actually became known in the market just about 5 to 7 years back. Before that, any kind of surface imperfection removal was actually referred to as “Paint Restoration” or “Paint Rejuvenation”

Whatever term is convenient for you, basically they all mean exactly the same thing, i.e. the removal/correction of any kind of imperfection from your painted surface.



What are the processes involved?

All your paint correction or cut and polish will begin with an in-depth testing procedure of the paint thickness to make sure the approach that is taken for restoring or enhancing the gloss of the paintwork of the car will be safe, effective, and also efficient.

After that, we will move into a certain deep clean or decontamination process. This process alone may take a few hours as it will be the basic foundation for getting an excellent polishing result.

It will include two key stages:

  • Chemical
  • Mechanical
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With both these processes, every inch of your panel will be rubbed by hand and a clay bar and chemical decontaminant will be used for removing the embedded contaminants that may be even invisible to our eyes, but it can be detrimental in this polishing process. Now from here, the trim of your car will be taped up for preventing it to get damaged by this polishing process.

This polish process will entail single stage or multiple stages. What we mean by this is that in case of deeper scratches, it has to be removed or corrected, and hence we may even have to cut down all the paint a little more aggressively.

In such a case, various stages of polishing will be needed to level your paint so that its gloss levels will be restored.

Finally, your car will be completely wiped down by using micro-fiber clothes and certain alcohol-type solutions for removing any residue polish, which may prevent your coating from effectively bonding to the paint.


Finally, we can say that paint correction is a certain process where all the scratches and other imperfections from the paintwork of your car will be removed. A fully corrected car when it will be viewed under direct sunlight, then it will only show the true reflections with no swirl marks, blemishes, and scratches that you cannot see with your naked eyes.

Also, it is essential to understand the difference between paintwork, which has been really corrected, and the paintwork that has actually been treated by using products, which are designed for masking and filling the surface imperfection.

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